30-12-24 20.24
@ maxpiano69
E questo??
Behringer PHARA-O MINI
Analog Polyphonic Synthesizer with 3 VCOs, Classic VCF, Ring Modulator, 16-Step Motion Sequencer and Delay ... altro mini synth "alla Korg Volca"... fermateli
PS. Visto su
https://vintagesynth.com/articles/behringer-phara-o-mini-now-available che spiega:
Feature-wise, the Phara-O Mini has a pure analog signal path that is based on authentic VCO, VCF, and VCA designs, 27 touch-sensitive keys, three separate VCOs with saw or square waveforms, a legendary low-pass filter based on the Mini-700S synth from the 70s and a LFO with three waveforms and sync for pitch and filter cutoff. It also has a 16-step motion sequencer with ten memory slots and the recording of knob movements, an envelope generator to modulate VCA, pitch, and filter cutoff modulation, and a delay effect.
È una copia del Volca Keys, né più né meno.
Peccato non abbiano sfruttato l'occasione per dargli quel quid che ne possa giustificare la preferenza, tipo PWM e Sync.
Una copia bruttissima esteticamente fra l'altro.