Provato i nuovi yamaha cp stage piano

  • Rockfeller
  • Membro: Senior
  • Risp: 605
  • Loc: Trieste
  • Thanks: 48  

05-01-10 15.44

Non io, ma su un forum americano ho trovato le prime impressioni di uno che li ha provato. Promette bene emo:

"Ok I am back from the demo with the CP1 (and the CP5, CP50) and although i only had about 10 mins with each board and couldn't record any samples I can offer a opinion of sorts.
1) Keyboard ... its very good in fact close your eyes and you simply wouldn't be able to tell. I strongly suspect its the same or a very similar keyboard that's used in the Aavant Grand series and along the same lines as the V-Piano keyboard. Both the CP1 and CP5 have this same keyboard and its good. The CP50 has a different keyboard same as the S90XS I think and its very good but not quite like the others that really do feel authentic.
2) AP sounds ...the CP1 has 2 each of the SCM patches from the S6 and CFIII grands the CP5 has one of each. In AP (S6b -1) the sound was excellent noticeably better then my S90Xs which has the same S6 patch (a normal sample not the SCM) The Yamaha tech informed me that SCM is not sampling or modeling but rather a combination taking the best of each. The S6B SCM (1) on the CP1 was noticeably brighter then the CP5 in the mid-range but the 2nd S6 sample was a softer more traditional Yamaha sound. In the short time I had to play the boards I did not notice any obvious stretching or looping even when I tried however to my ear there are still some artifacts in the decay but its doubtful you would describe them as looping its a more acoustic artifact you sometimes hear on older pianos and I cannot even be sure I didn't imagine it. It is not unpleasant or noticeable. The CP1 sounded better and more rounded in both CFIII patches then the CP5 did in its one CFIII patch but both were more then acceptable (to my ear) and sounded better then the Advent Grand we played as well. Both piano's I felt were a improvement on the already excellent S90XS S6 based AP as was the CP50 which while offering the same keyboard as the S90XS was a nicer AP sound.
3)The pick of the bunch for me was the CP5 which has really nice strings and Clav's as well as some of the better EP's from the CP1 plus normal Yamaha range ( a lot of my S90XS's sounds were there). The CP1 has amazing EP's ...great Rhodes (5 of them !) Controls look good for stage use and the CP1 offers almost infinite adjustment similar to the V-Piano. The CP5 appears to offer similar but less intricate adjustment. I didn't get into the tech stuff much more then that. I can't help feel I personally would be happy with either but I'm not as picky as some ;-)

All three of these cases are well built and would take punishment on the road but the CP1 and to only a slightly lesser extent the CP5 are simply beautiful too ...very retro...very slick looking boards. I'm not sold on the displays but they are easy to read however to my eye while looking retro also look slightly "cheap" and don't really fit with the nice polished buttons.

In conclusion ... It sounds promising but I'm not singing its praises to the really picky bunch in here just yet. I'd like to spend a few hours alone with each of them before I'd do that. But from what I heard today I'm encouraged.

  • Rockfeller
  • Membro: Senior
  • Risp: 605
  • Loc: Trieste
  • Thanks: 48  

05-01-10 15.45

The CP1 has just pianos the CP5 has the most of the pianos plus a lot of other patches , strings ,clav's, guitars etc its a more full featured board rather then a specialist DP only like the C1.

Personally for me the CP5 makes more sense. If you play a lot of Acoustic then the CP1 makes more sense as it has a few more AP patches.

There is little difference in the quality of the sounds between the CP1 and CP5 they are simply different just like no two acoustic pianos are the same.

I liked the Avant Grand just fine but I also saw a couple of other boards today both DP's, GDP's and others none of which I can discuss publicly that I was more impressed with.
  • Membro: Expert
  • Risp: 972
  • Loc: Catanzaro
  • Thanks: 59  

05-01-10 16.06

MI sono permesso di utilizzareun traduttore on line, per rendere più agevole la lettura della recensione. Ovviamente è una traduzione letterale, cercate di usare un pò di buon senso per attribuire alle frasi un senso compiuto

"Ok sono tornato dal demo con il CP1 (e il CP5, CP50) e anche se ho avuto solo circa 10 minuti con ciascuna commissione, non ho potuto registrare gli eventuali campioni per offrire un parere di sorta.
1) tastiera ... its molto buona, infatti, chiudi gli occhi e semplicemente non sarebbe in grado di raccontare. Sospetto fortemente il suo stesso o una tastiera molto simile che viene utilizzato nella serie Grand Aavant e lungo le stesse linee guida del V-tastiera del pianoforte. Sia il CP1 e CP5 hanno questa stessa tastiera e il suo bene. Il CP50 ha una diversa tastiera stessa S90XS credo e la sua ottima ma non del tutto come gli altri che in realtà si sentono autentici.
2) AP suoni ... il CP1 ha 2 ciascuna delle patch SCM dalla S6 e CFIII grands il CP5 è uno di ciascuno. Di AP (S6b -1) il suono è stato eccellente notevolmente meglio allora il mio S90Xs che ha la stessa patch S6 (un campione, non normale, la SCM) La tecnologia Yamaha mi ha informato che il CSM non è di campionamento o di modellazione, ma piuttosto una combinazione di prendere il meglio di ogni. La SCM S6B (1) sulla CP1 era notevolmente più brillante allora il CP5 nella fascia media, ma il campione 2 S6 è un suono più morbido Yamaha più tradizionali. In breve tempo ho dovuto giocare le schede non ho notato alcun evidente stretching o looping, anche quando ho provato però al mio orecchio non ci sono ancora alcuni manufatti in decadenza, ma i suoi dubbi si descrive come il suo ciclo più un artefatto acustico si Talvolta si sente dire sui pianoforti anziani e non posso nemmeno essere sicuro di non immaginare. Non è spiacevole o evidente. Il CP1 suonava meglio e più arrotondato in entrambi i CFIII patch allora il CP5 ha fatto nella sua CFIII un cerotto, ma entrambi sono stati più che accettabili (al mio orecchio) e suonato meglio allora il Grand Advent come abbiamo giocato bene. Entrambi Piano sentivo erano un miglioramento rispetto alla già eccellente S90XS S6 base AP come è stato il CP50, che pur offrendo la stessa tastiera come il S90XS era un suono più bello AP.
3) La ripresa del gruppo per me è stata la CP5 che ha corde veramente bello e Clav così come alcune delle migliori PE della gamma Yamaha CP1 più normale (un sacco di suoni mio S90XS erano lì). Il CP1 è incredibile PE ... grande Rodi (5 di loro!) Controlli un bell'aspetto per uso scenico e il CP1 offre adeguamento quasi infinita simile al V-Piano. Il CP5 sembra offrire regolazione simili ma meno complessi. Non ho avuto nella tech stuff molto più che allora. Non posso fare sento personalmente sarei felice con entrambi, ma io non sono così schizzinosa come alcuni ;-)
Tutti e tre di questi casi sono ben costruiti e avrebbe preso punizione sulla strada, ma il CP1 e solo in misura minore il CP5 sono semplicemente troppo bella ... molto retrò ... molto lisci schede cercando. Io non sono venduti sul display, ma sono facili da leggere però ai miei occhi, guardando anche guardare un po 'retrò "economici" e non molto adatta con i tasti bella lucidata.
In conclusione ... Sembra promettente, ma non sto cantando le lodi al gruppo veramente pignoli qui ancora. Mi piacerebbe trascorrere qualche ora da solo con ognuno di loro prima che io farei. Ma da quanto ho sentito oggi sono incoraggiati.
  • Membro: Expert
  • Risp: 972
  • Loc: Catanzaro
  • Thanks: 59  

05-01-10 16.07

Il CP1 ha appena pianoforti del CP5 ha la maggior parte dei pianoforti più un sacco di altre patch, archi, chitarre Clav's, etc sua una tavola più completa funzionalità piuttosto che uno specialista DP solo come il C1.

Personalmente per me la CP5 ha più senso. Se si riproduce un sacco di Acoustic poi il CP1 ha più senso in quanto ha una patch di qualche altro AP.

C'è poca differenza nella qualità dei suoni tra il CP1 e CP5 sono semplicemente diversi, proprio come non esistono due pianoforti acustici sono gli stessi.

Mi è piaciuto il Grand bene Avant, ma ho anche visto un paio di altre schede di oggi sia DP's, il GDP'S e gli altri nessuna delle quali posso discutere pubblicamente che ero più impressionato.
Edited 5 Gen. 2010 15:08
  • marcoballa
  • Membro: Guru
  • Risp: 6229
  • Loc: Milano
  • Thanks: 959  

05-01-10 16.17

Rockfeller ha scritto:
Non io, ma su un forum americano ho trovato le prime impressioni di uno che li ha provato. Promette bene emo:

"Ok I am back from the demo with the CP1 (and the CP5, CP50) and although i only had about 10 mins with each board and couldn't record any samples I can offer a opinion of sorts.
1) Keyboard ... its very good in fact close your eyes and you simply wouldn't be able to tell. I strongly suspect its the same or a very similar keyboard that's used in the Aavant Grand series and along the same lines as the V-Piano keyboard. Both the CP1 and CP5 have this same keyboard and its good. The CP50 has a different keyboard same as the S90XS I think and its very good but not quite like the others that really do feel authentic.
2) AP sounds ...the CP1 has 2 each of the SCM patches from the S6 and CFIII grands the CP5 has one of each. In AP (S6b -1) the sound was excellent noticeably better then my S90Xs which has the same S6 patch (a normal sample not the SCM) The Yamaha tech informed me that SCM is not sampling or modeling but rather a combination taking the best of each. The S6B SCM (1) on the CP1 was noticeably brighter then the CP5 in the mid-range but the 2nd S6 sample was a softer more traditional Yamaha sound. In the short time I had to play the boards I did not notice any obvious stretching or looping even when I tried however to my ear there are still some artifacts in the decay but its doubtful you would describe them as looping its a more acoustic artifact you sometimes hear on older pianos and I cannot even be sure I didn't imagine it. It is not unpleasant or noticeable. The CP1 sounded better and more rounded in both CFIII patches then the CP5 did in its one CFIII patch but both were more then acceptable (to my ear) and sounded better then the Advent Grand we played as well. Both piano's I felt were a improvement on the already excellent S90XS S6 based AP as was the CP50 which while offering the same keyboard as the S90XS was a nicer AP sound.
3)The pick of the bunch for me was the CP5 which has really nice strings and Clav's as well as some of the better EP's from the CP1 plus normal Yamaha range ( a lot of my S90XS's sounds were there). The CP1 has amazing EP's ...great Rhodes (5 of them !) Controls look good for stage use and the CP1 offers almost infinite adjustment similar to the V-Piano. The CP5 appears to offer similar but less intricate adjustment. I didn't get into the tech stuff much more then that. I can't help feel I personally would be happy with either but I'm not as picky as some ;-)

All three of these cases are well built and would take punishment on the road but the CP1 and to only a slightly lesser extent the CP5 are simply beautiful too ...very retro...very slick looking boards. I'm not sold on the displays but they are easy to read however to my eye while looking retro also look slightly "cheap" and don't really fit with the nice polished buttons.

In conclusion ... It sounds promising but I'm not singing its praises to the really picky bunch in here just yet. I'd like to spend a few hours alone with each of them before I'd do that. But from what I heard today I'm encouraged.

thanks per le info!

05-01-10 22.01

Aspettiamo che arrivi nei negozi italianiemo
  • losfogos
  • Membro: Guru
  • Risp: 7545
  • Loc: Lecce
  • Thanks: 395  

05-01-10 22.18

Ricordiamo, per chi non avesse ancora letto il regolamento, che i messaggi "ad personam" devo essere inoltrati attraverso messaggi privati e non tramite post pupplici.
Edited by PiccoloNoGlobal 6 Gen. 2010 1:39 [pre-edit msg]
  • marcowu
  • Membro: Senior
  • Risp: 166
  • Loc: Roma
  • Thanks: 0  

17-01-10 20.54

Quando dovrebbero uscire in italia?