Non ricordo se ne abbiamo già parlato, ma tempo fa ho visto in rete questi appunti (lista numerata, come piace a qualcuno
) di Chick Corea che secondo me sono un po' il Bignami delle cose findamentali da tenere presente per suonare bene in gruppo.
Ho creato una versione scaricabile .pdf qui per chi la volesse
(Chick Corea)
1. Play only what you hear.
2. If you don’t hear anything, don’t play anything.
3. Don’t let your fingers and limbs wander — place them intentionally.
4. Don’t improvise on endlessly — play something with intention, develop it or not, but then end off, take a break.
5. Leave space — create space — intentionally create places where you don’t play.
6. Make your sound blend. Listen to your sound and adjust it to the rest of the band and the room.
7. If you play more than one instrument at a time — like a drum kit or multiple keyboards — make sure that they are balanced with one another.
8. Don’t make any of your music mechanically or just through patterns of habit. Create each sound, phrase, and piece with choice — deliberately.
9. Guide your choice of what to play by what you like-not by what someone else will think.
10. Use contrast and balance the elements: high/low, fast/slow, loud/soft, tense/relaxed, dense/sparse.
11. Play to make the other musicians sound good. Play things that will make the overall music sound good.
12. Play with a relaxed body. Always release whatever tension you create.
13. Create space — begin, develop, and end phrases with intention.
14. Never beat or pound your instrument — play it easily and gracefully.
15. Create space — then place something in it.
16. Use mimicry sparsely — mostly create phrases that contrast with and develop the phrases of the other players.
PS: non li ho tradotti perchè secondo me sono già chiari ed essenziali in inglese, ma c'è sempre Google Translator
PS2: ho provato a tradurla rapidamente alla meglio (vedi in basso, quarto post)