CoccigeSupremo ha scritto:
Una domanda semplice, per me che non ne so nulla (perdonate il semioff topic):
Ho letto sul sito ufficiale che pianoteq occupa tipo 50mb in tutto dato che non è basato su campioni.
Mi chiedevo, per quanto riguarda il consumo CPU, il pianoteq richiede un pc più performante o meno performante di un vst a campioni?
qua trovi tutte le info..........posso dirti che a me gira ( il demo ..... ) decentemente su un portatile con Dual Core Intel 2 Ghz e 4 giga di ram con la scheda audio interna e 4 msec di latenza
anche su altro PC fisso da 3.2 Ghz Dual Core non ci sono problemi, ricordati di installare comunque OBBLIGATORIAMENTE i drivers ASIO altrimenti la latenza è dell 'ordine di 30-40 msec con i driver di Windows 7..........inoltre sarebbe meglio usare una scheda audio dedicata esterna con USB + MIDI, i prezzi partono da un centinaio di euro a salire.......
What kind of computer do I need to install Pianoteq on?
You can use a modern laptop or a desktop computer, PC or Mac. See the hardware and software requirements below.
How much RAM (internal memory) is needed for smooth playback?
Just 256 MB (megabytes). Most modern computers are equipeed with 2-4 GB (gigabytes) RAM. In contrast to many other virtual pianos, there is no need to invest in any additional RAM sticks to achieve maximum performance.
Do I need a dedicated disk drive?
No. Since Pianoteq does not store any samples on the computer, there is no need to invest in a dedicated disk drive. Pianoteq occupies just 40 MB whereas other virtual pianos need to frequently access many sample files (usually several gigabytes) from a fast and stable disk drive.
What kind of CPU (processor) do I need?
Pianoteq is CPU intensive software for it computes the sound in real time. However, most modern computers already offer a fully sufficient CPU. We recommend a multi-core CPU, such as the Intel Core i3 or better. By restricting polyphony or the internal sample rate in the Options menu, you can work with less powerful CPU's.
In what situation does the CPU load get high?
Many bass notes in combination with the sustain pedal require lots of computations for the CPU. Most modern CPUs can handle this fine.
Do I need any specific soundcard?
If using a PC, you need a soundcard that supports ASIO drivers (most soundcards do). You should be able to use the in-built soundcard on your computer. If you have high demands on the audio quality you should use a soundcard which is more adapted to music production. For suggestions on what soundcard to use, please visit the Pianoteq user forum.
Can I really use Pianoteq with a laptop?
This is one of the great advantages of Pianoteq. You can use any modern laptop successfully without any need to add external disk drives. The low system requirements and rock stable software make it optimal also for live performances.
Edited 28 Gen. 2016 18:54