Ciao a tutti,
mi riferisco nello specifico alla segnalazione che appare sulla frontpage della KeyB Organ (che riporto integralmente sotto) ove in sintesi viene segnalato che la DMI (Davis&Muller Instruments) non avrebbe seguito le raccomandazioni/le indicazioni sulla componentistica da utilizzare nella produzione degli strumenti, con generazione di problematiche successive inerenti a ciò, segnalate dai clienti in più riprese, ed alle azioni legali intraprese nei confronti della DMI da parte della KeyB Organ Company.
Chiedo se qualcuno dei Forumers, in possesso di qualsiasi prodotto della KeyB Organ Company, ha riscontrato problemi inerenti a quanto sopra, nello specifico, relativamente al modulo KeyB Organ Exp....
Grazie anticipatamente a chi mi potrà/vorrà essere d'aiuto
2013: Dear customers, DMI (Davis&Muller Instruments) is not fulfilling the terms of the agreements with KeyB Organ company regarding the production of KeyB products in the US and so I’d like to warn potential customers that DMI is producing KeyB instruments using non-original and non-certified components in his Missouri factory, without authorization and quality control by KeyB Organ Company. In these months I received mails and videos from US customers who bought KeyB products assembled by DMI having problems and noticing failures resulting from bad production line work and non-existing quality control. These customers can’t contact DMI and get answers regarding these issues. All this created a bad image damage to KeyB Organ and myself, since customers think I am working in DMI’s factory and being in charge of production line. The last time I have been in the US was at the NAMM Show 2013 and since then I never had the chance to supervise the production that should have never started without me.For all these reasons I am working on a legal action against DMI. I cannot provide any assistance and upgrades to customers who bought (or will buy) DMI products . Musicians interested in KeyB Organ products must contact the KeyB Organ Company at
Edited 30 Set. 2015 17:44