scilivano ha scritto:
.la 1.6 la trovo sul sito Korg ?
si, leggere il mio post iniziale
scilivano ha scritto:
spero non sia un casino installarla....
segui queste istruzioni:
[c]1. Using a computer, download the update from the Korg website: The update will be in compressed, zip format.
2. Open the ZIP file (the downloaded file is called KRONOS_Update_1_6_0).
3. Copy the update files (use USB Flash Drive - only FAT32):
- mnt (File)
- KRONOS_Update_1_6_0.taz.gz (ZIP)
- DisplayUpdaterMessage (File)
- (File)
- md5sum (File)
- (File)
- (File)
4. Disconnect all USB devices from the KRONOS.
Other USB devices may interfere with the update process.
5. Go to the Global mode, P0– Basic Setup page.
6. Open the menu, and select the command “Update System Software”.
A prompt will appear on the screen: “Connect the Software Update media, and press OK”.
7. Connect the USB storage device containing the update files.
8. Press the OK button.
A new message will appear: “Are you sure?”
9. Press the OK button.
A p...n:
- Update System: “Searching for updater files”
- Update System: “Found valid updater source. Preparing to install…”
10. Progress bar will appear on the screen, noting that the system is being updated.
A new messages will appear:
- Updater Version: 1.6.0
- Installing files…
- Finalizing changes
- Finishing installation…
While the system is being updated (1-2 minutes), do not touch the Kronos switches, and never turn off the power. If the power is accidentally turned off while the system is being loaded, the KRONOS may become inoperable. If this occurs, using the Restore DVDs may be required; please contact your local Korg distributor.
11. When the update is complete, a new message will appear:
- “Kronos system version 1.6.0 update complete. Please restart the system”.
12. Turn off the KRONOS, and then disconnect the USB storage device.
13. Wait approximately ten seconds, and then turn the power on again. [/c]
scilivano ha scritto:
se avessi bisognio posso chiederti aiuto?
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