Yamaha apps, editor per MOX ed XF
e nuovo Op.Sys per XF
V1.20 to V1.30
New features;
- Now MOTIF XF can download the latest information about the instrument from a special Yamaha server and show it on the display.
- Now you can change the playback speed of the Audio Playback in File mode without changing the pitch. Also, you can start Audio Playback from any desired point in the audio data.
- Now you can select Pro Tools in the Remote DAW type.
- Network function now supports Mac OS X 10.7 .
- Now supports iPad application Cloud Audio Recorder for MOTIF XF (Available in Feb 2012).
Solved problems;
- Fixed a problem in which some Voice parameters might not be applied to the tone generator correctly in the Song, Pattern or Performance mode when the Arpeggio Type was changed for a Voice with ARP = “on.”
- Fixed a problem in which the information on the display and the status of the tone generator would be different with each other when Factory Set was executed without “All” being checkmarked while the instrument and the MOTIF XF editor were online.
- Fixed a problem in which the “05: Create Continuous Data” job would be applied with the before-edited value of the Data Range, even though you edited the value with a USB ASCII keyboard.
- Fixed a problem in which exectuting Set/Clear of the Favorite via [ENTER]+[CATEGOTY SEARCH] while the instrument and the MOTIF XF editor were online would not affect the editor.
- Fixed a problem in which the MOTIF XF editor might remain locked even though the instrument was exited from the Other Job “05: Delete Same Name Waveforms” display of the Sampling mode.
Other minor problems have been corrected.
Edited 19 Gen. 2012 17:35